Tentative Bibliography of Articles Pertaining to Early Modern Online Text-bases


There are a number of excellent articles on online text-bases, some of them online.   Below is a preliminary list of items.  As additional entries are received, they will be entered in the bibliography listed under  the “Pages” link on the blog’s home page.  Please refer to that link for the most updated version of the bibliography.


Robin C. Alston, “The History of ESTC,” The Age of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual 15 (2004), 269-329.  http://www.r-alston.co.uk/review.htm

Hugh Amory, “Pseudodoxia Bibliographica, or When is a Book Not a Book? When It’s a Record” In The Scholar & the Database: Papers Presented on 4 November 1999 at the CERL Conference Hosted by the Royal Library, Brussels, ed. Lotta Hellinga, 2 (2001), 1-14.

Kevin Berland, “Formalized Curiosity in the Electronic Age and Uses of On-line Text-Bases,” The Age of Johnson 17 (2006), 392-413.

Peter W. M. Blayney, “The Numbers Game: Appraising the Revised STC,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 88:3 (1994), 353-407.

Peter Damian-Grint, “Eighteenth-Century Literature in English and Other Languages: Image, Text, and Hypertext,” A Companion to Digital Literary Studies, ed. Susan Schreibman and Ray Siemens. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008.

Marilyn Deegan and Simon Tanner, “Conversion of Primary Sources,” A Companion to Digital Humanities, ed. Susan Schreibman and Ray Siemens. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008.

Gabriel Egan and John Jowett, “Review of the Early English Books Online (EEBO),” Interactive Early Modern Literary Studies (January 2001), 1-13 http://extra.shu.ac.uk/emls/iemls/reviews/jowetteebo.htm

Alan B. Farmer and Zachary Lesser, “Early Modern Digital Scholarship and DEEP: Databases of Early English Playbooks,” Literature Compass Online: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1741-4113.2008.00577.x

Kevin Franklin and Karen Rodriguez’G, “The Next Big Thing in Humanities, Arts and Social Science Computing: 18thConnect,” HPCWire (November 24, 2008), 3 pp. http://www.hpcwire.com/industry/academia/The_Next_Big_Thing_in Humanities_Arts_and_Social_Science_Computing_18thConnect_35010199.-html 

Ian Gadd, “The Use and Misuse of Early English Books Online,” Literature Compass Online: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1741-4113.2009.00632.x

Sayre Greenfield, “ECCO-Locating the Eighteenth Century,” The Eighteenth-Century Intelligencer (Jan. 2007), N.S. 21:1 (2007): 1-9.

Robert D. Hume, “The ECCO Revolution,” http://trials.gale.com/nerl/documents/ECCO%20Whitepaper.pdf

William A. Jackson, “Some Limitations of Microfilm,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 35 (1941), 281-88.

George Justice, “The ESTC and Eighteenth-Century Literary Studies,” Literature Compass Online: http://wip.literature-compass.com/18thcentury/view_LICO_002.asp

Diana Kichuk, “Metamorphosis: Remediation in Early English Books Online (EEBO),” Literary and Linguistic Computing 22:3 (2007), 291-303.

Thea Lindquist and Heather Wicht, “‘Pleas’d By a Newe Inuention? Assessing the Impact of Early English Books Online on Teaching and Research at the University of Colorado at Boulder,” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 33:3 (2007), 347-60.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6W50-4N7RD86-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&-_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&-_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=-f3de976995f1591bd11a1407b2732363

Shawn Martin, “EEBO, Microfilm, and Umberto Eco: Historical Lessons and Future Directions for Building Electronic Collections,” Microform & Imaging Review 36:4 (2007), 159-64.  http://repository.upenn.edu/library_papers/66/

Shawn Martin, “Digital Scholarship and Cyberinfrastructure in the Humanities: Lessons from the Text Creation Partnership,” Journal of Electronic Publishing 10:1 (2007), http://repository.upenn.edu/library_papers/54/

Shawn Martin, “Collaboration in Electronic Scholarly Communication: New Possibilities for Old Books,” Journal of the Association for History and Computing 9:2 (2006), http://repository.upenn.edu/library_papers/53/

Shawn Martin, “Reaching Out: What do Scholars Want from Electronic Resources?” Proceedings of the Association for Computing in the Humanities, (2005), http://repository.upenn.edu/library_papers/52/

James May, “Some Problems in ECCO (and ESTC),” The Eighteenth-Century Intelligencer N.S. 23:1 (Jan. 2009), 20-30.

James May, “Accessing the Inclusiveness of Searches in the Online Burney Newspapers Collection,” The Eighteenth-Century Intelligencer N.S. 23:2 (May 2009), 28-34.

James E. May, “Who Will Edit the ESTC? (And Have You Checked OCLC Lately?),” Analytical and Enumerative Bibliography, n.s. 12 (2001), 288-304.

John P. Schmitt, “Early English Books Online,” The Charleston Advisor 4:4 (2003), 5-8.  http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/charleston/chadv/2003/-00000004/00000004/art00005

Henry L. Snyder and Michael S. Smith, eds., The English Short-Title Catalogue: Past, Present, Future (New York, AMS Press, 2003).

Matthew Steggle, “Knowledge Will be Multiplied,” Digital Literary Studies and Early Modern Literature,” In A Companion to Digital Literary Studies.  Ed. Susan Schreibman and Ray Siemens (Oxford: Blackwell, 2007). http://www.digitalhumanities.org/companionDLS/

Stephen Tabor, “ESTC and the Bibliographical Community,” The Library 7th ser., 8:4 (2007), 367-86.

Simon Tanner, Trevor Muñoz, and Pich Hemy Ros, “Measuring Mass Text Digitization Quality and Usefulness: Lessons Learned from Assessing the OCR Accuracy of the British Library’s 19th Century Online Newspaper Archive,” D-Lib Magazine 15.7/8 (2009). 

Claire Warwick, “Print Scholarship and Digital Resources” A Companion to Digital Humanities, ed. Susan Schreibman and Ray Siemens. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008.

William Proctor Williams and William Baker, “Caveat Lector.  English Books 1475-1700 and the Electronic Age,” Analytical and Enumerative Bibliography 12 (2001), 1-29.

5 Responses to “Tentative Bibliography of Articles Pertaining to Early Modern Online Text-bases”

  1. a new 18th-century blog, early modern online bibliography « The Long Eighteenth Says:

    […] blog already contains a useful roundup of review articles concerning these databases, here.  I suspect that such a blog could be a very useful place for pooling information concerning the […]


  2. Dave Mazella Says:

    And of course one of the ironies here is that even if the primary texts are online, our reviews are hidden behind firewalls or are offline entirely. How about getting these 18th century journals online, people?



  3. Anna Battigelli Says:

    At James May’s roundtable discussion on book reviewing at the 2005 MWASECS meeting, there was a vibrant discussion of book reviews. The consensus seemed to be that reviews often appear too long after the book itself is published, that they are often not as rigorous as many desire, and (your point) that they are not online. Some publishers seem to worry that putting reviews online would reduce paper subscriptions and the sales that come with the need for access to reviews. But journals could put together a separate online subscription just for reviews. An alternative would be for a conglomerate database to offer all reviews in a particular discipline at a moderate price. The pricing would have to be accessible to academics, who are increasingly paying more for access to scholarship. A database of reviews would be a good MLA topic/project.

    This raises the problem of access, which worries me about online databases. That the audience for online databases is increasingly limited, a given in this economic climate, is a problem. The articles on the bibliography above from Literature Compass Online are a bit more expensive than photocopying them, especially if one prints them out, but they seem manageable. Our text-bases are not available, so far as I know, through individual subscription. This is a problem for faculty at campuses whose libraries can’t afford them.

    Accessibility to online material is a big and complex issue. If we’re going to take advantage of the scholarly benefits of online technology, access needs to be addressed.


  4. Rachel Lee Says:

    This blog is a great idea! I’m really looking forward to reading the resources you’ve already gathered here (I’m a PhD student in English/Digital Humanities, and the database is one of my research interests).

    Speaking of online book reviews, Romantic Circles launched their review blog earlier this month. (Apologies if this is old news!)


    “The Hoarding” is one more new online resource, but moving into a different century:


    I’ve been seeing links to book reviews there as well, which has been extraordinarily useful in making them far more visible.


  5. Anna Battigelli Says:

    Hi Rachel,

    I had not seen Romantic Circles before, so thanks for that. It’s an efficient and cleanly designed site and does not look like it would be that difficult to set up. It seems possible that publishers would send books to a book review editor who has an online review site. Very interesting idea: should you get to work on it?


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